Big news! More pizza, more fun, and much more, July 13th 2024.

Big news! More pizza, more fun, and much more, July 13th 2024.

Welcome Fairfield Festival.

Last year was a hit so we are doing it again and calling it Fairfield Festival. Expect more of the same with some extras thrown in.

Last year we raised over £8K to help with the playground fund. This year our emphasis is on fun and family and community, with all proceeds going to the Fairfield Association to continue looking after our local spaces.

Andrew, Mike, myself and many others are busy getting ready for July 13th to celebrate the opening of our new playground.

If you would like to help out in anyway or perhaps be one of our musical acts then please get in touch either using our Facebook page or with one of us directly.

We will keep updating this website with more information as we get it.

Can someone order the sun again please.